Germany WW2 Propaganda Collection
Germany WW2 Propaganda and Military Art: Germany started the Second World War in Europe on 1939 and it ended likewise in Europe on 1945 for the German capitulation.
The history of Germany during World War II closely parallels that of Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler. He came to power in Germany in 1933. From that point onward, Germany followed a policy of rearmament and confrontation with other countries. During the war German armies occupied most of Europe; Nazi forces defeated France, took Norway, invaded Yugoslavia and Greece and occupied much of the European portion of the Soviet Union. Germany also forged alliances with Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and later Finland and collaborated with individuals in several other nations. The German defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942 was considered the decisive victory that turned the tide of the war against Germany and her Anti-Comintern allies. The Second World War culminated in Germany’s unconditional surrender to the Allies, the fall of Nazi Germany, and the death of Adolf Hitler. (Wikipedia)

Germany WW2 Propaganda Posters:


Wehrmacht: (Regular Army)

Luftwaffe: (Air Forces)

Kriegsmarine: (Navy)

Waffen SS: (Fighting SS)

Waffen SS Foreign Divisions:

Women in Service:

Volksturm: (People’s Army)

NS Reichskriegersbund: (War Veterans)

Hitlerjugend: (Hitler Youth)

Bund Deutscher Mädel: (League of German Girls)

Gear and Vehicles:

Health and Safety:

Anti-Enemy and Racism:

Axis Powers (German Allies):

Fighting and Morale:



Careless Talk:

Home Front:

Magazine Covers:

Der Schulungsbrief:

Nazi Party’s monthly magazine for political education

Die Wehrmacht:

Official Military Magazine of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht


Illustrated Propaganda Magazine of Wehrmacht

Der Adler:

Official Propaganda Magazine of the Luftwaffe

Die Kriegsmarine:

Official Navy Magazine of the Kriegsmarine

Illustrierter Beobachter:

Illustrated Propaganda Magazine of the Nazi Party

Die Woche:

Illustrated Weekly Newspaper

Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung:

Illustrated Weekly Newspaper

NS Frauen-Warte:

Official National Socialistic Women’s Magazine

Der Pimpf:

Nazi Magazine for Boys

Germany WW2 Military Art:

Soldiers of the 3rd Reich:

Art from the Eastern Front by the French/German artist Guy Mouminoux (Zayer):

Frauen schaffen für euch 1943

Women works for you:

Various Art from various sources:

Western Front:

Eastern Front:

African Front:

Some interesting 1939-1945 World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II article about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a 1939-1945 World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email