USA WW2 Recruiting Propaganda Collection
USA WW2 Recruiting Propaganda Collection: The collection of propaganda posters and other material, recruit soldiers, both male and female, to Army, Navy and some civilian work during the second world war between 1939-1945 (USA attended to war between 1941-45)

USA WW2 Recruiting Propaganda Collection:

General Recruiting:

U.S. Army:

U.S. Army Air Forces:

U.S. Navy:

U.S. Marines:

U.S. Coast Guard:

U.S. Navy Seabees:

U.S. Merchant Marine:

Civilian Defense:

Women’s Army Corps (WAC):

Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC):

U.S. Navy Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services (WAVES):

U.S.Marine Corps Women’s Reserve (USMCWR):

U.S. Coast Guard Women’s Reserve (SPARS):

U.S. Army Nurse Corps:

U.S. Navy Nurse Corps:

U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps:

Red Cross:

Some interesting 1939-1945 World War II related links:

Wikipedia article about World War II article about World War II

My other World War Two related material:

All Countries during World War Two

If you have a 1939-1945 World War II related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email