Shell Ad and Poster Collection
Shell Ad and Poster Collection: Shell plc, commonly known as Shell, is a British–Dutch multinational oil and gas company headquartered in the Netherlands and incorporated in the United Kingdom. It is one of the six oil and gas “supermajors” and the sixth-largest company in the world measured by 2016 revenues (and the largest based in Europe). Shell was first in the 2013 Fortune Global 500 list of the world’s largest companies in that year its revenues were equivalent to 84% of the Netherlands’ $556 billion GDP. (Wikipedia)

Shell Ad and Poster Collection:

1920’s Ads and Posters:

1930’s Ads and Posters:

1940’s Ads and Posters:

1950’s Ads and Posters:

1960’s Ads and Posters:

1970’s Ads and Posters:

1980’s Ads and Posters:

1990’s Ads and Posters:

2010’s Ads and Posters:

2020’s Ads and Posters:

Some interesting Shell related links:

Wikipedia article about Shell

My other Petroleum related material:

Petroleum Ad and Poster Collection

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