Russia WW1 Propaganda Collection: Tsar Nicholas II and his subjects entered World War I with enthusiasm and patriotism, with the defense of Russia’s fellow Orthodox Slavs, the Serbs, as the main battle cry. Although Russia had the largest army, they had logistic and industrial problems. After Russian revolution, Bolsheviks made a separate peace with central powers and withdrew from war. (Wikipedia)
Germany WW1 Propaganda Posters:
Fighting And Morale:
1914 Day of St. Geoge – Day of Heroes
1914 German cruiser ‘Magdeburg’ shot by the Russian ships
1914 The Austrians in the Carpathians raised the good mother,They chased the whole of Galicia, I am making a fool of Shaika
1914 The battle with the Germans at the Nyman River.
1914 A dashing battle between the Cossacks and the German cavalry
1914 An Austrian was going to Radziwill, but ended up on a woman’s pitchfork
1914 Battle of the Russians with the Germans on a tributary of the Vistula River
1914 Capture of a German convoy by the Cossacks
1914 Conversation near Constantinople
1914 European thieves caught red-handed
1914 European war
1914 Franz and Wilhelm
1914 Hero Cossack Kozma Kryuchkov
1914 Holy War
1914 How Turk people were buried
1914 In the Glorious August Forest, about a hundred thousand Germans was killed…
1914 In Tow
1914 I want to be Napoleon
1914 Oh, how menacing, oh, how strong the fat German was a wing for Vilnius…
1914 Our Heroes Are the Cossacks
1914 Russia and its warrior
1914 Russia for the truth
1914 Russia War with Turkey
1914 The Austrians surrendered Lvov to the Russians
1914 The First Knight of St. George Kuzma Kryuchkov
1914 War of Russia with Germans. Heroic feat of Cossack Kozma Kryuchkov
1914 Wilhelm’s Nightmare
1915 Battle with the Turks
1915 Russian army on vacation. A letter to the home.
1915 Wilhelm’s cattle
1914 Help poor children. Buy a Red egg on the 28th of March
1915 Have Pity For The Unsheltered. Buy Red Egg
1916 Everything For Victory! Subscribe to Military 5 1/2% Loan
1916 War Loan. Forward for the Motherland!
1916 Buy War Bonds
1916 Buy War Bonds
1916 Buy War Bonds
1916 Everything for the War. Buy War Bonds
1916 Subscribe for a War Loan
1916 Subscribe to Military Bond. Pave the way for Victory
1916 Help crippled warriors
Home Front:
1914 Hurry up to take part in the Christmas sale of dolls and toys in favor the the children of soldiers
1915 Moscow to the Russian prisoners-of-war
1915 Warriors’ Orphans Day
Russia WW1 Military Art:
Some interesting World War I related links:
Wikipedia article about World War I
My other World War One related material:
All Countries during World War One
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