United Kingdom WW1 Propaganda Collection: The United Kingdom was one of the Allied Powers during World War I (1914–1918), and developed as a nation throughout the war in order to further its goal of defeating the Central Powers (the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria). The country’s armed forces were reorganised—the war marked the creation of the Royal Air Force, for example—and increased in size because of the introduction of forced conscription for the first time in the country’s history. At the outbreak of war, patriotic feelings spread throughout the country, and it has been argued that many of the class barriers of Edwardian England were diminished during the period.
United Kingdom WW1 Propaganda Posters:
1914 Come into the ranks and fight for your King and Country. Enlist To-Day
1914 Forward to Victory Enlist Now
1914 Public Schools Brigade, Royal Fusiliers, 118th Infantry Brigade
1914 There’s Room for You. Enlist To-Day
1914 He did his duty. Will You do Yours
1914 Which Ought You to Wear
1914 A Glorious Example
1914 His Majestys Foot Guards
1914 ‘Fall In’ Answer Now In Your Country’s Hour Of Need
1914 The Veteran’s Farewell
1914 Remember Belgium. Enlist To-Day
1914 Your King & Country Need You To Maintain The Honour and Glory Of The British Empire
1914 Your King & Country Need You
1914 Follow me! Your Country Needs You
1914 Be Ready! Join Now
1914 The Hun and the Home. A Bit of England. A Bit of Belgium. Back up the Men who have Saved You
1914 Men of London! Each Recruit means Quicker Peace
1914 Men of London! Remember! We Must Have More Men. So Join Now
1914 The Only Road for an Englishman
1915 Women of Britain Say – ‘Go!’
1914 Why Britain Is At War
1914 The ‘Scrap Of Paper’. Enlist To-Day
1914 ‘We are fighting for a worthy purpose,…’ The King. Men Of The Empire To Arms!
1914 Rally Round The Flag. Every Fit Man Wanted
1914 The Scrap of Paper
1914 Your King and Country Need You
1914 ‘England Expects Every Man To Do His Duty’ and Join the Army To-Day
1915 Will You Make A Fourth?
1915 Halt! Who goes there. If You Are A Friend Join The British Ranks And Help The Brave Lads At The Front
1915 Step Into Your Place
1915 Boys! Come along You’re wanted
1915 Boys Come over here you’re wanted
1915 Come Along, Boys! Enlist To-day
1915 At the Front! Every fit Briton should join our brave men at the Front. Enlist Now.
1915 4th City of London Battalion Royal Fusiliers
1915 Come into the ranks and fight for your King and Country – Don’t stay in the crowd and stare
1915 An Appeal To You
1916 Be honest with yourself. Be certain that your so-called reason is not a selfish excuse. Enlist Today
1915 The Empire Needs Men!
1915 1805 ‘England Expects’ 1905. Are Your Doing Your Duty To-Day
1915 Everyone Should Do His Bit Enlist Now
1915 Remember Scarborough! Enlist Now
1915 Surely You Will Fight For Your King And Country. Come Along, Boys, Before It Is Too Late
1915 Britain Needs You At Once
1915 Come and Join This Happy Throng
1915 Trained Men It is Your Duty
1915 Stand Not Upon The Order Of Your Going, But Go At Once. Enlist Now
1915 To the Women of Britain. Some of your men fold are holding back on your account
1915 Cold-Blooded Murder! Remember Germany’s Crowning Infamy. Enlist To-Day
1915 Your King and Country Needs You. Enlist Now
1915 Remember The ‘Lusitania’. It Is Your Duty. Enlist To-Day
1915 If The Cap Fits You. Join The Army To-Day
1915 ‘You’re proud of your pals in the Army of course! But what will your pals think of you. Think It Over!
1915 Daddy, what did You do in the Great War?
1915 It is Far Better to Face the Bullets than to be Killed at Home by a Bomb
1915 Line Up, Boys! Enlist To-day.
1915 Remember! England Expects
1915 Single Men Show Your Appreciation
1915 The Lusitania’s Call
1915 A Happy New Year to Our Gallant Soldiers!
1915 At Neuve Chapelle. Your Friends Need You. Be a Man
1915 Go ! It’s Your Duty Lad. Join To-Day
1915 Lord Kitchener Says Enlist To-day
1915 Men of Britain! Will You Stand This
1915 Rugby Union Footballers are Doing Their Duty
1915 Take Up the Sword of Justice
1915 The latest despatch ‘Send More Men!’ from the Sportsman’s Battalions
1915 Young Men of Britain!! The Germans Said You Were Not in Earnest
1915 Your Country’s Call. Isn’t this worth fighting for. Enlist Now
1916 Are You in this?
1916 Heroes of St. Julien and Festubert
1917 Women Clerks Wanted At Once
Fighting And Morale:
1916 In Memory of Lord Kitchener. The Empires Greatest Soldier
Gear and Vehicles:
1915 We’re both needed to serve the Guns!
1915 The Key to the Situation
1914-18 Wounded Allies Days at the Caledonian Market Islington
1915 £1 for 15’6. If You cannot fight – Lend your money
1915 Turn Your Silver into Bullets at the Post Office
1915 War Loan Back the Empire with your Savings Invest Now
1917 Are you Saving for the Children?
1917 It’s worth while! That’s why. Buy War Savings Certificates
1917 Back Him Up. Buy War Bonds
1917 For Your Children. Buy War Savings Certificates and they will live to thank you
1918 Buy War Bonds Now
1918 Fight With National War Bonds
1918 Put It Into National War Bonds
1918 Turn Your Money Into War Bonds
1918 National War Savings Committee. Southwark’s Aeroplane Week
Home Front:
1916 Cannonade. Board Game
1917 Do Your Bit! Save Food
1917 We risk our lives to bring you food. It’s up to you not to waste it
1917 Yes – Complete Victory. If You Eat Less Bread
1918 She helps her Boy to Save Ships. She keeps the Family to Victory Rations and prevents waste
United Kingdom WW1 Military Art:
Illustrations from the British children’s book ‘The Great War’:
1917 The ‘Great War’ Painting Book
1917 English and French soldiers in military uniform and with weapons
1917 Military airplanes and airships
1917 Tanks and tractor tractors
1917 Bombs and grenades
1917 Ambulance and wounded soldiers
1917 Women in the Army
1917 Military personnel of the armies of the Entente countries and their allies
1917 British Army personnel from the metropolis and its colonial possessions
1917 Flags of the Entente countries and their allies
Some interesting World War I related links:
Wikipedia article about World War I
My other World War One related material:
All Countries during World War One
If you have a World War I related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email