East Germany Cold War Propaganda Collection: The German Democratic Republic (GDR; German: Deutsche Demokratische Republik [ˈdɔʏtʃə demoˈkʀaːtɪʃə ʀepuˈbliːk] or DDR), informally called East Germany (German: Ostdeutschland) in West Germany and other countries, was a socialist state established by the USSR in 1949 in the Soviet zone of occupied Germany, including East Berlin of the Allied-occupied capital city. (Wikipedia)
East Germany Cold War Propaganda Posters:
1961 Class Brothers – Brothers in Arms
1978 Our Pilot Cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn
Civilian Life:
1951 We want to become skilled workers! Companies – provide training and jobs for us!
1952 Everyone Contributes to the National Reconstruction Program
1952 Buildings of the Five-Year Plan. Brandenburg Steelworks. Steel Becomes Bread
1954 International Women’s Day March 8, 1954. In the year of the great initiative for peace, unity and prosperity
1961 March 8, 1961 International Women’s Day. For Socialism and Peace
1973 World Festival of Youth and Students for Anti-Imperialist Solidarity, Peace and Friendship!
1974 CMEA (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) Strength of Community
1986 Quality. Efficiency. Prosperity. Peace
1988 77 practical tips for visiting the GDR
1989 We are proud of that!
1950 Peace Every progressive woman member of the DFD
1951 Demands all-German consultation!
1951 Learning from the Soviet people means learning to win
1951 We Will Live Better Through Our Plan
1952 Note from the Soviet government to the Western powers
1952 Heavy Industry – Basis of Independence and Prosperity
952 19th Congress of the CPSI (B). Learning from the Soviet people means learning to win!
1958 Fifth Party Congress of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. Socialism Wins
1959 10 years of the GDR
1960 The State Council of the German Democratic Republic
1974 The Programme of the Eighth Party Congress – our compass for a happy life
1974 CMEA (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) Strength of Community
1981 Hard work is the father of happiness; 1. I achieve something! 2. I treat myself to something!
1952 Caution RIAS poison (Broadcasting in the American sector)