Soviet Union Cold War Propaganda Collection: The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics abbreviated СССР, SSSR), was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991.
The Soviet Union was a single-party state ruled by the Communist Party from its foundation until 1990. A federal union of 15 subnational Soviet republics, the Soviet state was structured under a highly-centralized national government and economy. (Wikipedia)
Soviet Union Cold War Propaganda Collection:
Soviet Life:
1946 Bring cinema to the masses!
1946 Get down to work! The plan is clear, go build for our Motherland, dear
1946 Look, sings and dances the entire Soviet Union. There is nothing brighter or more beautiful then our red spring!
1946 Nice and light kindergartens shall we open everywhere
1946 Young Soviet people vote for a happy youth!
1947 Everyone has to take part in elections!
1947 Glory to you, invincible Moscow, beauty and pride of the Russian people
1947 I tell you what, an old man as I am
1947 I vote for the communistic candidates and the non-party!
1947 Let’s Restore the Country!
1947 Let’s surround orphans by maternal care and love!
1947 Long live to Soviet athletes!
1947 My happiness relies on your success!
1947 Relay race for the ‘Evening Moscow’ prize
1947 Vote for the prosperity of every town, every village of our beloved motherland!
1947 A deputat (Member of Parliament) is a servant of the people
1947 When there comes a working tide, they plow both day and night!
1947 Youth, take everything from your stadiums!
1948 Be an excellent student!
1948 Five-year plan in four years!
1948 Gonna be a metal worker!
1948 Healthy Parents – Healthy offspring
1948 If up to sowing terms we keep-a pretty heap of crops we reap!
1948 My student!
1948 Oil industry workers, more oil for the Motherland! Perform five-year plan in 4 years!
1948 Produce above the plan, comrade lumberman!
1948 Saluting with a heroic work!
1948 Serve every customer in a civilized manner!
1948 To work hard is to be with bread!
1949 Care to listen to wise words of an eldest. Money should be stored in Sberkassa
1949 Dry season shall we overcome too!
1949 Great Stalin is the bright torch of communism!
1949 Long live and great prosper to our Motherland! I. Stalin
1949 Reach the wealth!
1949 To trade in a civilized manner is a honourable work!
1949 Value the honor of your family!
1950 Electric energy to Kolkhozes, Sovkhozes, MTS (Machine and Tractor Stations)!
1950 Fight for the honor of your factory name!
1950 For the people’s happiness!
1950 Glory to our beloved country!
1950 In 1951-55, The Construction of Urban And Rural Schools Will Increase by Approximately 70pros Compared To The Previous Five-Year Period
1950 Aim to build fast, cheap, and good!
1950 Join mine-layers groups of the DOSARM!
1950 Milkmaid, let’s achieve rich yield of milk of each forage cow!
1950 People’s dreams came true!
1950 Such women did not and could not exist in the old days
1950 The Cossacks of Kuban
1950 The World Women Skating Championship
1950 Transport more oil to the needs of the beloved Motherland!
1951 Glory to the Soviet Railwaymen!
1951 Honor and glory to a Soviet teacher!
1951 In the name of Communism!
1951 One day we will be pilots too!
1951 Want to be like so. Train!
1952 European Women Basketball Championship
1952 Love books, they are source of knowledge. A. M. Gorkiy
1952 World Peace!
1953 Policeman! Be vigilant!
1953 Precisely on schedule!
1954 Babble, gossip – playing into the hands of the enemy
1954 Babbler is a godsend for the enemy!
1954 Babbling is helping the enemy!
1954 Closer to life, to living deed!
1954 Earn a compliment!
1954 Field works can not wait!
1954 Let’s gather the rich harvest from the virgin land!
1954 Let’s go with us! To new lands
1954 Raise the skill of the Soviet soccer!
1954 Respect someone else’s work. If you made a mess, clean up after yourself.
1954 We complied with the norm … Have you
1955 Athletes! Fight for new achievements in the sport!
1955 Be happy, dear!
1955 Build strong, finish in advance!
1955 Don’t you dare
1955 Long Live to World Peace!
1955 Millions of kilowatts to the Motherland!
1955 My beauties are the best! They will make me proud at the exposition!
1955 The Sport Games of the USSR. Tryouts of strength and skill!
1955 To new victories in work and sport!
1955 Workers in light industry and commerce! Your best results are satisfied customers!
1956 Engage in rowing and sailing!
1956 Fight against hooliganism!
1956 Happy new year filled with peace and friendship!
1956 I’ll do it on my own!
1956 Night is not an obstacle for the work!
1956 This is not my profession!
1956 VI World Festival of Youth and Students
1956 Wear it with pride! (School Uniform)
1956 Welcome!
1956 We respect our elder!
1956 Young engineer, spend more time at the workshop!
1957 Breed rabbits!
1957 Do not wait for someone to do your work. Learn how to work, love to work.
1957 Move whole family to new places
1958 Soviet Metro. U.S.S.R. Section. Brussels Universal And International Exhibition 1958
1959 Develop the pig-keeping!
1959 Drawing, music and singing classes will raise cultural education of a student with out a doubt!
1959 Quack doctors, out! They do not cure, only rob and maim!
1960 We know how things are done. Giving a hand to our mom!
1960 We love to work hard and that’s why we have something to be pride of!
1961 Drive chairwarmers from their cushy jobs!
1961 Let the sun always be!
1961 Life is good!
1962 Humane relations and mutual respect between people. Man to man is a friend, a comrade and a brother
1962 To work, comrades!
1962 USSR is a mighty athletic power!
1962 Water, sun and fresh air are your best health care!
1962 We need no war!
1963 Bread for the Motherland!
1962 Oil and gas are the most economical types of fuel.
1962 Happy New Year!
1963 Happy Womens` Day
1963 The Party said there’s a necessity. Komsomol answered, yes! to the fields, to the building sites!
1963 World Congress of Women, convened WIDF
1964 Exploits await the braves!
1964 Let’s conquer the virgin blue!
1964 Let’s work some more!
1964 Value every minute at work!
1964 Welcome, or No Trespassing
1964 You earn what you deserve
1964 Happy New Year!
1965 Do not lie ever!
1965 Here’s our earnings!
1965 For the steadfast and consistent implementation of the unshakable Leninist general line of the CPSU!
1966 Happy holiday to you, girls!
1966 Manage skillfully!
1967 Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live!
1967 Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten
1967 Preserve the monuments of art and culture!
1967 The right place for an infant is at nursery, not in tundra
1968 Don’t lose working minutes!
1968 There is poison in cigarettes’
1968 One child is good, two is better!
1970 Direct your man’s power to woman’s help!
1970 People need care. Work for us!
1972 Knowledge to everyone!
1973 Learn to recreate
1973 We need peace
1975 The Sport Games of the USSR
1976 The Party is the mind, honor and conscience of our epoch!
1978 Bread for the Motherland!
1981 Our condition is to stop profanity!
1981 So come on bravely forward on the road to communism!
1986 Random love affair will last like a flash, but it may cause a sickness and hospital visits.
1987 Happy New Year!
1946 Glory to the Red Army!
1947 Learn to defend your Motherland!
1948 On Guard of Peace!
1951 Do not chatter on the telephone!
1952 And every propeller is breathing the tranquility of our boarders!
1952 Keep the military and state secrets strictly!
1953 Be observant, sentinel!
1953 Be vigilant!
1954 Glory to the Soviet people – the creator of the strongest aviation
1954 In a letter home make sure not to share military secrets!
1954 No matter what they are might try — there is no other finish for a spy!
1954 Soviet soldier! Be vigilant!
1954 To fly above all, beyond all, faster than all
1954 We invite the nations for the peaceful conversation, but we will be able to resist any provocation
1954 We will help you ‘land’ if you forgot where borders are.
1958 Don’t chatter! Keep the military and state secret strictly!
1961 The enemy does not sleep … Be vigilant!
1970 Be On Alert!
1948 A talent’s way (in the countries of capitalism). A talent’s opportunity (in the country of socialism)!
1948 In the capitalist countries – lawlessness of labor! In the country of socialism – the right to work!
1948 Under capitalism … Under socialism!
1950 We demand peace!
1950 Who gets the national income
1981 The United States Constitution
1984 Myth and Reality
1985 No!
Anti-Alcohol Campaign:
1954 No!
1958 And yet, they say we’re pigs…
1958 Make a hooligan to answer for his actions!
1958 Shame on you!
1959 Eradicate this evil!
1959 Sweep your bad habits out!
1961 Not a single drop!
1966 Let’s drive out topers from the midst of workers.
Road Safety Guidelines:
Space Propaganda:
1958 The Soviet Sputnik – the first in the world
1959 In the name of peace
1959 To The Workers Of Soviet Science And Technology – Glory
1959 In The Name Of Peace
1959 Luna 3 orbiting the far side of the moon
1960 We Were Born To Make The Fairy Tale Come True!
1960 Glory To The Heroes Of Fatherland
1961 Glory to the first cosmonaut Y. A. Gagarin!
1961 Cosmonauts Day 12 IV 1961 CCCP
1961 For The Glory Of Communism!
1961 Into the Space!
1961 We can discover distant worlds
1961 Glory To The Conquerors Of The Universe
1961 In The Name Of Peace And Progress
1961 Happy New Year!
1962 October Opened The Way To Space!
1962 Glory to the KPSS!
1963 Happy New Year!
1963 Soviet Means Excellent!
1965 There Is No God!
1965 Glory Of The Heroes Of Fatherland!
1969 Homeland, Your Mission Is Accomplished!
1971 Space will serve the people … Gagarin
1977 Happy New Year!
Soviet Union Cold War Military Art:
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