Parliament Ad and Poster Collection: Parliament is an American brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by Philip Morris USA in the United States and Philip Morris International outside of the United States. (Wikipedia)
Parliament Ad and Poster Collection:
1950’s Ads and Posters:
1954 Now – You’re So Smart to Smoke King Size Parliaments
1954 You’re So Smart to give Parliaments
1954 You’re So Smart to Smoke Parliaments
1954 You’re So Smart to Smoke Parliaments
1954 You’re So Smart to Smoke Parliaments
1954 You’re So Smart to Smoke Parliaments
1955 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1955 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1955 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1955 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1955 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1955 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1955 You’re So Smart to Smoke Parliaments
1955 You’re So Smart to Smoke Parliaments
1955 You’re So Smart to Smoke Parliaments
1956 Happy Surprise! New Parliament
1956 Happy Surprise! The New Parliament Is Here
1956 Strike up a friendship with the New Parliament
1956 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1956 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1956 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1956 You’ll want everyone to know… You’re so smart to smoke Parliaments
1957 Strike up a friendship with the New Parliament
1958 Now! Parliament with Recessed Filter Is Best!
1959 In addition to diamonds and sports cars and milk, send cartons of greetings from Philip Morris Inc
1959 No filter feedback on your lips … or hers. Parliament
1959 Someday all cigarettes will probably be made this better way. Parliament
1959 The most important 1-4 inch in smoking today. Parliament
1959 The most important 1-4 inch in smoking today. No Filter Feedback. Parliament
1960’s Ads and Posters:
1960 Why Parliament’s 1/4 Inch Recess Is So Important To You
1960 Why Parliaments 1/4 inch recess is so important to you
1960 Why Parliaments 1/4 Inch Recess Is so Important To You
1963 Every Parliament gives you an extra margin
1963 Every Parliament gives you an extra margin
1963 Every Parliament gives you an extra margin
1963 Every Parliament gives you an extra margin
1963 Every Parliament gives you an extra margin
1967 Night People. They smoke Parliament. They like the style of this cigarette
1969 America’s Parliament. You get the most out of mildness
1969 Spend 10 days in London as a guest of Parliament
1970’s Ads and Posters:
1973 The Parliament recessed filter. It works like a cigarette holder works
1975 Parliament. The recessed filter cigarette
1980’s Ads and Posters:
1988 The Perfect Recess. Parliament Lights
Some interesting Parliament related links:
Wikipedia article about Parliament (cigarette)
My other Smoking related material:
Smoking Ad and Poster Collection
Alcohol Ad and Poster Collection
If you have a Parliament related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email