Canadian Club Ad and Poster Collection: Canadian Club is a brand of Canadian whisky produced by Suntory Global Spirits. Popularly known as CC, Canadian Club was created by Hiram Walker and Sons, an evolution of a brand around a product that took place over the second half of the nineteenth century. Hiram Walker merged with Gooderham & Worts, Ltd. in 1926, yielding Hiram Walker-Gooderham & Worts, Ltd. (Wikipedia)
Canadian Club Ad and Poster Collection:
1940’s Ads and Posters:
1940 … and I lived to tell the tale! Canadian Club
1942 Rio Reunion 200 miles north of Broadway… Canadian Club
1943 Airplane Spotter In Bagdad. Canadian Club
1945 Diamond Haul on the Rio Caroni. Canadian Club
1946 Agog over Alaska. Canadian Club
1946 He rides 40 foot waves at 40 miles an hour. Canadian Club
1946 ‘Man Overboard!’ Off Portugal. Canadian Club
1947 ‘That tombs of Egypt’s pharaohs was almost my tombstone!’ Canadian Club
1948 Swing Shift at an African Copper Mine. Canadian Club
1950’s Ads and Posters:
1952 Austria’s bat-men spread their wings – and fly! Canadian Club
1953 Spearhead Attack on Mexico’s wily webfoot. Canadian Club
1955 My pride was at stake in this Pakistan Stake Race. Canadian Club
1960’s Ads and Posters:
1960 Out in the cold. some of the 65 old frauds that tried to imitate Canadian Club
1962 In Switzerland as in 87 land it’s ‘The Best in the House’. Canadian Club
1963 Man most likely to succeed. Canadian Club
1964 What every bartender knows about people. Canadian Club
1964 Halfway across the gaping chasm panic held me motionless. Canadian Club
1965 Between the smashing sea and the jagged rocks, I was at the end of my rope. Canadian Club
1966 A parachute can sink you when you scuba-jump for sunken treasure. Canadian Club
1966 The Ecuadorians told me it wasn’t a real bullfight. But they forgot to tell the bull. Canadian Club
1967 I married a bartender. Canadian Club
1968 Isn’t there an easier way to earn my Canadian Club. No
1969 We set aside the month of May for the likes of him. Canadian Club
1970’s Ads and Posters:
1970 The Club Still The Thing. Canadian Club
1973 The world’s most popular Christmas Club. Canadian Club
1980’s Ads and Posters:
1980 D.C. hides C.C. We’ve hidden a case of Canadian Club in Washington, D.C., where nothing’s ever secret for long