REO Ad and Poster Collection
REO Ad and Poster Collection: The REO Motor Car Company was a Lansing, Michigan-based company that produced automobiles and trucks from 1905 to 1975. At one point the company also manufactured buses on its truck platforms.
The company’s name was spelled alternately in all capitals REO or with only an initial capital as Reo, and the company’s own literature was inconsistent in this regard, with early advertising using all capitals and later advertising using the “Reo” capitalization. The pronunciation, however, was as a single word. Lansing is home to the R. E. Olds Transportation Museum. (Wikipedia)

REO Ad and Poster Collection:

1900’s Ads and Posters:

1910’s Ads and Posters:

1920’s Ads and Posters:

1930’s Ads and Posters:

1940’s Ads and Posters:

1950’s Ads and Posters:

1960’s Ads and Posters:

1970’s Ads and Posters:

Some interesting REO related links:

Wikipedia article about REO Motor Car Company

My other Automobiles related material:

Automobiles Ad and Poster Collection
Car Accessories Ad and Poster Collection
Tires Ad and Poster Collection

If you have a REO related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email