Jura-Simplon-Bahn Poster and Ad Collection
Jura-Simplon-Bahn Poster and Ad Collection: The Jura–Simplon Railways (JS), (French: Compagnie des Chemins de Fer Jura–Simplon) was a railway company that was formed in 1890. It was nationalised in 1903 as the largest railway company in Switzerland and integrated into the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB). (Wikipedia)

Jura-Simplon-Bahn Poster and Ad Collection:

1890’s Posters and Ads:

Some interesting Jura-Simplon-Bahn related links:

Wikipedia article about Jura–Simplon Railways

My other Railroad related material:

Railroad Poster and Ad Collection
Trains Ad and Poster Collection

If you have a Jura-Simplon-Bahn related website and would like to get it listed above, please send me an email