Goodyear Ad and Poster Collection: The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is an American multinational tire manufacturing company founded in 1898 by Frank Seiberling and based in Akron, Ohio. Goodyear manufactures tires for automobiles, commercial trucks, light trucks, motorcycles, SUVs, race cars, airplanes, farm equipment and heavy earth-mover machinery. (Wikipedia)
Goodyear Ad and Poster Collection:
1920’s Ads and Posters:
1928 Goodyear
1930’s Ads and Posters:
1934 ‘Couldn’t stop, eh? Why don’t you get some Grip on your tires?’ GoodYear
1937 GoodYear Auto Show
1940’s Ads and Posters:
1940 ’… Meet The Safest Car In The World!’ GoodYear Lifeguards
1942 You’re holding up a million-dollar bomber … try Synthetic Rubber. Chemigum. GoodYear
1943 Will tomorrow’s aircraft carriers Fly. GoodYear Aircraft
1943 When Dependability Counts Most… GoodYear
1944 Some day the eagle will be a dove. GoodYear Aircraft
1944 They’re taking the ‘high’ way to Berlin. GoodYear
1944 Moving Picture Of The Best Tire Built Today. GoodYear
1945 A Picture of life without chains. GoodYear
1946 Two ways to pick the world’s best tire. GoodYear
1946 You don’t stay first unless you’re best. GoodYear
1947 Four words that build better tires. Another Reason For GoodYear Leadership
1948 Car makers quickly adopt new kind of tire. GoodYear
1948 Will it do wonders for your car. These folks say yes! GoodYear
1948 David ‘belts Goliath – again! GoodYear
1948 It was ‘Boston or bust’ – and you won! GoodYear
1949 Answer to your questions. Super cushion by GoodYear
1950’s Ads and Posters:
1951 To get there… More People Rod On Goodyear Tires Than On Any other Kind!
1951 We did it before – we can do it again! GoodYear
1952 The Only 100,000-Mile Re-Usable Protection That’s Both Blowout-Safe And Puncture-Safe! GoodYear
1952 You, Too, Can Have A Blowout Or Puncture! GoodYear
1952 Short cut to an Atomic stock pile. GoodYear
1953 Pierced 20 times, Lifeguard Still Holds Air! GoodYear
1953 It takes a lot of Rubber to feed your furnace! GoodYear
1954 All-Nylon Cord Super-Cushion! GoodYear!
1954 Get 67pros More Starting Pep and Go. GoodYear
1955 You don’t really need a tire this good. GoodYear
1955 Let’s Get the Job Started – GoodYear
1956 New 3-T Nylon Tubeless Tire By Goodyear
1956 If even a trifling doubt is a big worry… Lifeguard Blowout Shields GoodYear
1957 Yuma To Phoenix 204 miles… on four blown-out tires! GoodYear
1958 How To Give A River’s End A New Beginning. GoodYear
1958 Some things just seem to belong. New 3-T Nylon Cord Double Eagle GoodYear
1959 Suburbanites bite through snow that’s Hup-Cap Deep! GoodYear
1959 Radar Structures and Radomes – prime capabilities of GoodYear Aircraft
1960’s Ads and Posters:
1960 lots of good things come from GoodYear
1960 For the car you drive… regular, compact or import… Goodyear has the right tires
1961 More Traction where there’s snow… More Mileage where there isn’t! GoodYear Suburbanites
1962 When you move on wheels, Goodyear makes what you need. GoodYear
1964 Go Go Goodyear
1964 When there’s no man around… Goodyear should be
1970’s Ads and Posters:
1979 Bravo! Viva! Bonza! Goodyear congratulates the drivers who helped us to win more Grand Prix races than any other tire company for the 7th straight year.